All the videos, music, photos, and graphics used in this website belong to their respective owners and does NOT claim any right over them.

We do NOT host any of the videos here.

We only provide links to videos/embed videos. Those videos come directly from third party video hosting sites such as YoutubeDailymotion, Vimeo and various other third party video hosting sites. In case of any issue, Contact those sites for any video removals. This website is NOT hosting any of the videos you see. Therefore, is not responsible for the accuracy, compliance, copyright, legality, decency, or any other aspect of the content of other linked sites. If you have any legal issues please contact the appropriate media file owners / host sites.

These videos are publicly available and you can contact the appropriate sites for removal.

We do not host any illegal material nor are we involved in any replication there of any footage covered by international copyright laws. All Youtube, Dailymotion and other videos links shown are available elsewhere on the internet and are merely hot-linked from these other sources via embed coding provided as a feature of these sites. We do not accept responsibility for reproducing this material.


We are absolutely legal and contain only links to other sites on the Internet. We do not host or upload any video, media files. All videos are broadcasted on Youtube, Dailymotion etc.  If you have any legal issues please contact appropriate media file owners and/or hosters. We are not responsible for any damages or infringements causes.